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  2. Head-hitting sledgehammer wins contest for Sverdlovsk Oblast youth brand

Head-hitting sledgehammer wins contest for Sverdlovsk Oblast youth brand

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A sledgehammer hitting a head won the contest for the Sverdlovsk Oblast youth brand, as reported by It’s My City on October 22.

The «Hard and Sonorous» concept won the contest organized by the regional Youth House with support from Rosmolodezh.

One of the symbols of the concept is a sledgehammer striking a person’s head. The Ural Creative Week community plans to release merchandise featuring this design.

Photo from the Ural Creative Week group on VKontakte

The sledgehammer is associated with Wagner PMC, which in November 2022 published a video of the extrajudicial execution of convict Yevgeny Nuzhin. Nuzhin, who fought for the private military company, surrendered to the Ukrainian army. Afterward, unknown individuals struck him on the head on a street in Kyiv. He lost consciousness and woke up in a basement, where he was subsequently killed.


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